about us...

introducing rebello, where fashion meets authenticity.
our tagline “wear what you feel” encapsulates our mission:
to empower individuals to express their true selves through clothing.
founded by a psychologist and a sustainable textile specialist, rebello is committed to promoting diversity and sustainability in every stitch.
we believe that fashion should be a reflection of your innermost identity, embracing all shapes, sizes, and styles.

at rebello, we celebrate the beauty of diverse humanity. our sustainable fashion practices ensure that each garment is not only stylishly living our philosophy but also environmentally conscious. Join us in creating a world where everyone can confidently wear what they feel.

what rebello means...

rebello is taken from the latin language meaning to rebel or to revolt. its such a strong and powerful statement that we will not accept the status quo, we will fight


all of our products are carefully sourced through local reputable suppliers and are selected based on their high quality and ethical manufacturing processes

we produce all orders on-demand, this process allows us to operate with next to zero textile waste. we only produce what we sell

the textile industry and in particular fast fashion contribute too much waste via over production, we're here to change this and only produce what people want and when you want it